Around the World in 365 Days: Cruising around Australia

A quick note about traveling in the time of COVID-19: It’s OK, for the most part. I’m glad I didn’t have to buy toilet paper in Australia (there was a run, and all the shelves were empty). The other issue is that we are now on the Magical Mystery Tour – not sure which ports will accept us, since there have been several very well publicized issues when the virus has spread around the ships and countries are worried about allowing one of us in. But onwards with the tales of the journey:

And in ongoing technology issues, Microsoft Word will no longer allow me to “copy/paste” – well, the paste function is there, but the copy stays faint and it won’t copy. I have no idea how it got turned off, but now I have to manually re-type anything I write. A real serious pain in the butt. Because of this I will be posting pictures with very little other writing.

Airlie Beach, Australia; Feb. 28th. Can’t actually swim on the beach due to box jellyfish, but they have a man-made lagoon which was beautiful.
Walking out into the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Green Island (ferry ride from Cairns), March 1st
Guitar player Steve (one of the new group) in Darwin, Australia, March 5th. Neat town, easy to get around.
A day with very calm seas
Darwin Botanical Gardens – where you can turn a corner in a path and be greeted by a dragon


  1. trip still going well. Austraila seems beautiful. have u seen kangaroos yet, always wanted to hold a kawala bear. know misspelled a few things, forgive me. LOL

    • Unfortunately, no kangaroos or koalas (was not in the right regions), and did not go to the Sydney zoo. Saw lots of other great stuff!

  2. You may want to stick a couple of those of toilet paper in your suitcase when you get off the ship. Jerry and I have been tracking where the Columbus is going since we got off in Auckland.

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