After the Devil’s Island sail-by, we enjoyed two lovely sea days – Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

(I realize my life really is in the “amazing” category, and I honestly don’t have anything major to complain about – but as I’m human, I’ll whine about a few minor things along the way.)
The Serenade crew went all out for Christmas Eve. We competed in a couple of Christmas-themed trivia contests (one was Christmas movie soundtracks – and not the songs you’d think of from the movies- and not many of the movies that first come to mind. Overall, unfair to have hard trivias on the Holidays – especially since Christmas Eve and Christmas Day day-drinking is most definitely involved). Another was on Christmas Carols – and the activities person chose a lot of popular British pop Christmas songs – luckily, my team included my Scottish friend Alan – so we won! (What did we win, you ask? Another key chain to add to the collection.)

Christmas Eve dinner was a formal night, so most dressed in their best – with Christmas themes. The ship presented a special menu, set on the plates and tied with a bow. You could choose ham, Beef wellington, a crusted salmon, a risotto or turkey. And this is where the ship performed in the “sub-par” category. I ordered the chestnut truffle risotto – which came out soupy and luke-warm. One of my complaints this cruise – I cannot get a decent risotto. Prior Royal cruises made very good risotto, but I have now had it 4 times two weeks in – every time has been a disappointment – but as hope springs eternal I keep trying. Others at the table had similar issues with their meals.
After dinner, there was caroling in the centrum. I arrived too late for the song sheet – but I know most of the words, I just need to know which version or which verse its being placed next.

Christmas Day was a bit more sedate. We started the day sharing champagne with our friends Liam and Alan (and new friends Guy and Karen) and exchanged presents. Santa “flew in” to present presents to the children on board.

At progressive trivia – Assistant Cruise Director Sheenagh brought champagne for all participants.
Just before noon, we crossed the equator with some fun on deck as Captain Stig sailed us in a circle to make sure all had a chance to be on deck while we went over the dividing line to be transformed from Pollywogs to Shellbacks.

Later in the afternoon, the Serenade Passenger Choir performed a Christmas concert (I’m doing so many things I decided not to join the choir for now).

No special menu for Christmas Day, but we had dinner with friends again, which turned out not much better than the day before. We enjoyed more champagne (I’d brought on some Piper-Heidsieck – one of my favorite champagnes that sells for about $50/bottle, which I like better than Cristal). We called our families using Wifi calling, and a low key evening finished off a lovely Holiday.