Traveling in the Time of COVID – Europe 2021
Traveling in the Time of COVID: Europe 2021

Galveston: preparing to leave Traveling to Europe has always been fun and exciting for me, with occasional language barriers, but there have always been friendly locals helping me along. When we booked our tickets to Europe in the early summer, Europe had opened to all Americans, with some countries requiring …
Travel in the Time of COVID-19
There was Love in the Time of Cholera – now we have travel (or attempting to) in the time of COVID-19. Watching this coronavirus wreak havoc on the world from a cruise ship has been a surreal experience. In January, the news came out of China about the virus, and …
Around the World in 365 Days: Cruising around Australia
Around the World in 365 Days: New Zealand to Australia
Days 124-125, Feb. 20th-21st: I almost forgot about Wellington! We had a sea day as we sailed along the coast to Wellington, New Zealand. The coast remained off our starboard side and we watched hundreds of gannets and other seabirds during yet another lifeboat drill. This one we gathered in …
Around the World in 365 Days: Fiji to New Zealand
Day 117, Feb. 13th: Bula from Fiji! Bula is the local greeting, and the locals are a friendly bunch. We were very nervous arriving in Fiji, since as we approached the docks there was an announcement that the Ministry of Health required all passengers and crew to fill out a …
Around the World in 365 Days: The South Pacific
Some enchanted evening…. Day 108, Feb. 2nd: No “health report” from the bridge today concerning the intestinal infection going around– hopefully that means things are getting better. Fingers crossed they reopen the gym and casino soon – I’m going into withdrawals without the gym (and the coffee station, Viktoria our …